Recent Projects:
De Rham-Hodge theory modeling and learning of biomolecular data, NSF, co-PI (2019-2023 III 1900473)
Geometric and Topological Modeling and Computation of Biomolecular Structure, Function, and Dynamics, NSF, co-PI (2017-2020 DMS-1721024)
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Towards Robust and Scalable Hexahedral Meshing, NSF, PI. (2016-2018 CCF-1655422)
An Adaptive and Robust Discrete Geometry Based Helmholtz Solver and Applications to Device Design, NSF, co-PI (2012-2016 CMMI 1250261)
- CAREER: Theory and Practice of Space-Time Variational Integrators for Simulation and Animation, NSF, PI (2010-2015 IIS 0953096)
- Differential Geometry Approach for Virus Surface Formation, Evolution and Visualization, NSF, co-PI (2009-2012 CCF 0936830)
- Collaborative Research: Geometrically-Derived Time Integrators and Motion Optimization for Computational Science, NSF, PI (2008-2012 CMMI 0757123)
- Collaborative Research: Eigengeometry: Geometric Spectral Computing for Computer Graphics and Computational Science, NSF, PI (2008-2012 CCF 0811313)
- NSF of China Major International Joint Research Project: Geometric Model Reduction and Dynamic Simulation of Complex Physical Systems (2013-2017), Collaborator