- [Wireless Networking] Our paper "AeroEcho: Towards Agricultural Low-power Wide-area Backscatter with Aerial Excitation Source" is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2025. Congratulations to Yidong!
- [Edge ML] Our paper "GeoFL: A Framework for Efficient Geo-Distributed Cross-Device Federated Learning" is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2025. Congratulations to Maolin!
- [Wireless Sensing] Our paper "Adonis: Neural-enhanced Fine-grained Leaf Wetness Sensing with Efficient mmWave Imaging" is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2025. Congratulations to Yimeng!
- [Media Report] My NSF CAREER Award has been highlighted in several reports of MSU Engineering Communications, MSU Today, and Spartan Community Letter . Go Green!
- [Service] Invited to be a TPC member of ACM SenSys 2025
- [Award] Gen Li won the Travel Grant of SenSys 2024. Congratulation to Gen.
- [Award] Yidong Ren and Maolin Gan won the Travel Grant of MobiCom 2024. Congratulation to Yidong and Maolin.
- [Service] Invited to be a TPC member of ACM MobiSys 2025
- [Service] Invited to be a TPC member of IEEE DySPAN 2025
- [Mobile Security] Our paper "PiezoBud: A Piezo-Aided Secure Earbud with Practical Speaker Authentication" is accepted by ACM SenSys 2024. Congratulations to Gen!
- [Wireless Sensing] Our paper "Hydra: Accurate Multi-Modal Leaf Wetness Sensing with mm-Wave and Camera Fusion" is accepted by ACM MobiCom 2024. Congratulations to Yimeng!
- [Wireless Networking] Our papers "SateRIoT" and "LoRaTrimmer" are accepted by ACM MobiCom 2024. Congratulations to Yidong and Jialuo!
- [Group] Jingkai Lin, working on LoRa, officially joins our group this fall. Welcome Jingkai!
- [Award] Yidong Ren won the Travel Grant of MobiSys 2024. Congratulation to Yidong.
- [Service] Invited to be the TPC Co-Chair of IEEE ICPADS 2024
- [Service] Invited to be the Track TPC Co-Chair for the "Wireless\Mobile Sensing and Networking" track of IEEE MSN 2024
- [Award] I won NSF CAREER Award entitled "LoRa Enabled Space-air-ground Integrated Networks for Next-Generation Agricultural IoT". Thank NSF for the support.
- [Service] Invited to be a TPC member of ACM SenSys 2024
- [Wireless Networking] Our paper "ChirpTransformer: Versatile LoRa Encoding for Low-power Wide-area IoT" is accepted by ACM MobiSys 2024. Congratulations to Yidong Ren and Chenning Li!
- [Mobile Security] A collaboration paper "Eye of Sauron: Long-Range Hidden Spy Camera Detection and Positioing with Inbuilt Memory EM Radiation" is accepted by USENIX Security 2024. Congratulations to Daibo Liu!
- [Service] Invited to be a TPC member of IEEE MASS 2024
- [Service] Invited to be a TPC member of IEEE ICDCS 2024.
- [EIN Group] Manni Liu and Li Liu have successfully passed their Ph.D dissertation defense. Congratulations.
- [Wireless Networking] Our paper "Demeter: Reliable Cross-soil LPWAN with Low-cost Signal Polarization Alignment" is accepted by ACM MobiCom 2024. Congratulations to Yidong Ren!
Edge Intelligence and Networking (EIN) Group [Group Members]
Our EIN research group consists of 6 PhD candidates with diverse undergraduate backgrounds. We focus on broad networking optimization and computational intelligence topics we have met during developing and implementing various edge and IoT systems.
Research Projects:
- FedIoT: Efficient and Scalable Federated Learning systems for IoT. (2021 - Present)
- FarmEye: A large-scale agriclture data collection and analysis system with LoRa and AI. (2021 - Present)
- DeepSensing: Deep Neural Network augmented RF sensing systems. (2020 - Present)
- MobileSEC: Mobile system security and privacy ralted to cameras and microphones. (2020 - Present)
- IndoorSys: Practical tracking systems in indoor environments with mobile devices and RF infrastrucutres. (2019 - 2022)
- LoSee: A wide-area vehicle tracking system with LoRa. (2018 - 2020)
- BatteryLink: A product-cycle management system for lead batteries. (2016 - 2019)
- OilNet: A high speed mesh back-bone network for wild oil fields. (2014 - 2016)
- CitySee: A long-term city-wide urban sensing system for Carbon balance evaluation and environmental surveillance. (2012 - 2014)
- GreenOrbs: A long-term kilo-scale wireless sensor network system in the vast forest. (2009 - 2012)
NSF Grants:
- CAREER: LoRa Enabled Space-air-ground Integrated Networks for Next-Generation Agricultural IoT. 2024 - 2029.
- Collaborative Research: NeTS: Medium: Towards High-Performing LoRa with Embedded Intelligence on the Edge (Leading PI). 2023 - 2027. [Project Website]
- CNS Core: Small: Collaborative: Coalescent Computing - New Theory, Mechanism and Platform for Adaptive Edge Computing. 2019 - 2022.
I am recruting motivated PhD students who share the same research interests with us.
Surveys, Highlights, and Benchmarks
- Shakhrul Iman Siam, Hyunho Ahn, Li Liu, Samiul Alam, Hui Shen, Zhichao Cao, Ness Shroff, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Mani Srivastava, and Mi Zhang.
Artificial Intelligence of Things: A Survey.
ACM TOSN, (2024).
- Samiul Alam, Tuo Zhang, Tiantian Feng, Hui Shen, Zhichao Cao, Dong Zhao, JeongGil Ko, Kiran Somasundaram, Shrikanth S. Narayanan, Salman Avestimehr, and Mi Zhang.
FedAIoT: A Federated Learning Benchmark for Artificial Intelligence of Things.
Journal of Data-centric Machine Learning Research (DMLR), (2024).
- Jialuo Du, Yidong Ren, Mi Zhang, Yunhao Liu, and Zhichao Cao.
NELoRa-Bench: A Benchmark for Neural-Enhanced LoRa Demodulation.
ML4IoT Workshop on ICLR 2023.
- Chenning Li, Hanqing Guo, Shuai Tong, Zhichao Cao, Mi Zhang, Qiben Yan, Li Xiao, Jiliang Wang, and Yunhao Liu.
NELoRa: Neural-enhanced Demodulation for Low-Power WANs.
ACM SIGMOBILE GetMobile, (Sep, 2022). (SenSys'21 Best Paper)
- Chenning Li, and Zhichao Cao.
LoRa Networking Techniques for Large-scale and Long-term IoT: A Down-to-top Survey.
ACM Computing Survey (CSUR) 55(3):52, (2022).
- Chenning Li, Zhichao Cao, and Yunhao Liu.
Deep AI Enabled Ubiquitous Wireless Sensing: A Survey.
ACM Computing Survey (CSUR) 54(2):32, (2021).
- Nikolay Ivanov, Chenning Li, Qiben Yan, Zhiyuan Sun, Zhichao Cao, and Xiapu Luo.
Security Threat Mitigation for Smart Contracts: A Comprehensive Survey.
ACM Computing Survey (CSUR) 55(14):326, (2023).
Selected Publications [Full List]
Wireless Networking
- Yidong Ren, Amalinda Gamage, Li Liu, Mo Li, Shigang Chen, Younsuk Dong, and Zhichao Cao.
SateRIoT: High-performance Ground-Space Networking for Rural IoT
MobiCom 2024.
- Jialuo Du, Yunhao Liu, Yidong Ren, Li Liu, and Zhichao Cao.
LoRaTrimmer: Optimal Energy Condensation with Chirp Trimming for LoRa Weak Signal Decoding.
MobiCom 2024.
- Chenning Li*, Yidong Ren*, Shuai Tong, Shakhrul Iman Siam, Mi Zhang, Jiliang Wang, Yunhao Liu and Zhichao Cao. (*Co-primary author)
ChirpTransformer: Versatile LoRa Encoding for Low-power Wide-area IoT.
MobiSys 2024.
- Yidong Ren, Wei Sun, Jialuo Du, Huaili Zeng, Younsuk Dong, Mi Zhang, Shigang Chen, Yunhao Liu, Tianxing Li, and Zhichao Cao.
Demeter: Reliable Cross-soil LPWAN with Low-cost Signal Polarization Alignment.
MobiCom 2024.
ML/Edge System
- Chenning Li, Xiao Zeng, Mi Zhang, and Zhichao Cao.
PyramidFL: A Fine-grained Client Selection Framework for Efficient Federated Learning.
MobiCom 2022.
Mobile Security/Application
- Shichen Zhang, Qijun Wang, Maolin Gan, Zhichao Cao, and Huacheng Zeng.
RadSee: See Your Handwriting Through Walls Using FMCW Radar.
NDSS 2025.
- Gen Li*, Huaili Zeng*, Hanqing Guo, Yidong Ren, Aiden Dixon, Zhichao Cao, and Tianxing Li. (*Co-primary author)
PiezoBud: A Piezo-Aided Secure Earbud with Practical Speaker Authentication.
ACM SenSys 2024.
- Gen Li, Zhichao Cao, and Tianxing Li.
EchoAttack: Practical Inaudible Attacks To Smart Earbuds.
MobiSys 2023.
Wireless and Multi-Modality Sensing
- Yimeng Liu, Maolin Gan, Huaili Zeng, Li Liu, Younsuk Dong, and Zhichao Cao.
Hydra: Accurate Multi-Modal Leaf Wetness Sensing with mm-Wave and Camera Fusion.
MobiCom 2024.
- Maolin Gan, Yimeng Liu, Chenshu Wu, Younsuk Dong, Huacheng Zeng, and Zhichao Cao.
Poster: mmLeaf: Versatile Leaf Wetness Detection via mmWave Sensing. MobiSys 2023.
- Li Liu, Zhichao Cao, and Tianxing Li.
FaceTouch: Practical Face Touch Detection with a Multimodal Wearable System for Epidemiological Surveillance.
IoTDI 2023.
- Fall 2020/Spring 2021, 2022, 2023, CSE-220, Programming in C
- Spring 2020/Fall 2021, 2022, 2023, CSE-891, AIoT: Artificial Intelligence in the Edge
- Spring 2024, CSE-410, Operating System
Codes and Datasets
- L2 Implementation in TinyOS.
- Chase Implementation in TinyOS.
- NELoRa codes and datasets.
- CurvingLoRa codes and datasets.
- PyramidFL codes and datasets.
- WiSIA: Wi-Fi imagings datasets.
"Nothing endures but change."
- Heraclitus, Greek philosopher (540 BC - 480 BC)